- Where can I buy Fashion School in a Book and/or Design Journal?
My publisher, RockyNook.com, Amazon, Bookshop.org, Barnes and Noble. Ask your local bookstore or library if they carry it.
You can also order the Design Journal from RockyNook.com, Amazon, Bookshop.org, Barnes and Noble.
- Is Fashion School in a Book available in my country?
- I don't know. It depends on what sellers are available in your area. Please check the sources above.
- If I can only afford one, which one should I buy?
- Get Fashion School in a Book (the book with the black cover) if you need knowledge. Get Design Journal (red cover) if you need helping getting organized and staying on track.
- How can I read your book for free?
- Ask your local library to carry it.
- What's the difference between the ebook and print versions?
- The content is exactly the same. Some people prefer reading one format over the other. Some people like to scribble notes in the margins. Some people like to carry the book everywhere in their phones. The ebook formatting will change if you change the font size. The pictures will shift around but the content will remain the same.
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❤️ Zoë Hong